Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Hello everyone

This is a TO DO list that must be done as early as possible.
We cannot go on if things are lagging behind.

1. Interactive/layered mapping  - Vipin to take care of this so that we have a Google Map (check the Dream:In site to see how Brazil has done this) showing locations of all dreamers with possible layers.
2. Website - Nigel - wireframe done, it will be good to have images up on progress of website.

3. Upload edited videos - Ankit and team/Sudipto and team and anyone else.
It is imperative to have the practice videos up here on the blog.
Please put them up.
4. Make the blog visual with pics of dreamers, descriptions, categorisation - Akshara has taken up the responsibility but it is a collective blog and so everyone has to put their bit in right away.
5. Scan and put up the hand-done visual representations on the Dreamfruit. One has already gone up. The rest must follow.

6. Put up the list of which taluk is being research and then mapped by which student. This has to be done ASAP as we cannot go into the field without this being done. NICC faculty must take charge of researching and mapping the respective taluks. Find out about institutions, businesses, efforts on in healthcare, education, marginalised sections of society, ESPECIALLY youth segments in the 20s.

1 comment:

  1. Team 1 has posted the Taluks.
    Basic research has been done, additional research and mapping is in progress.
