Monday, April 30, 2012


Jerry, manager in a firm had his ups and downs in finding a job for himself. But this has not affected his dream in any way. He want to become a drag racer and is trying his level best to be.

Jayasena, a BMTC bus driver was very confident with his dream. He wanted to educate his children well and he believed that with this education he is providing our country with leaders. He believes education is the key to the betterment of the future.


Mohd. Musambil, wanted to keep his family happy and support them. What  complete his  education as soon as possible. When we asked him about his dream, he became very emotional, Mohd. is a big follower of Mr. Anna Hazare, he says,'if Anna's dream is fulfilled than everybody dreams will be fulfilled. 

1 comment:

  1. Sudipto, this is good. Can we have the videos up too? I don't see any videos up here and am wondering why it is so!!!
