Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Bangalore is a dream city in an emerging nation. The DreamCatching exercise will reveal the dreams
of its citizens. You have one hour to return with three dreams, whether as an individual or as teams of three or four.
Select your dreamer as you move around your environs. Speak to more than one person to sharpen your dreamcatching skills and to get multiple perspectives.
Get Started
Namaskara is a common greeting! Greet the potential dreamer and ask him/her if you can ask them
a few personal questions, for your knowledge and understanding of Bangalore, mobility and its
people. It is a good idea to give them your visiting card, so they know you and know you are safe.
[Note: oddly, in Bangalore – everyone asks the other ‘oota aita?’ which means “Have you eaten?” 
This too is a form of greeting]
Auto Driver
Suppose you spotted an autodriver.
You could greet him, etc, and then ask: What if you could be the minister of transport for a day. What will be your vision to make Bangalore a dream city to travel in?
Whoever you spot, break the ice, introduce yourself, empathize, listen.
You will also need a basic biosketch of the person to present with the dream you might capture from the person.
Eg: Suppose you spot a commuter of the new Bangalore Metro. You could ask him/her:
1.   Describe your typical daily commute/travel in the city.
2.   Now, suspend all reality and imagine and tell us what your dream commute could be like.
3.   If you could be CM or Minister of Transport for a day, tell us your one big dream for the city.
Use the dreamtag to sum up a ‘dream in motion’ for Bangalore in no more than 140-200 words.
Capture more than one dream.
Present the best dreams along with a biosketch.

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